Help us build a healthier future for First Nations in BC.

First Nations Health Foundation is the philanthropic partner of the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), raising funds to transform health and health equity for First Nations people in BC.

What We Do

Community-driven, Nation-based

In 2013, the FNHA took responsibility for the programs and services formerly delivered by Health Canada, becoming a new health and wellness partner to more than 200 diverse First Nations communities and citizens – about five percent of the BC population.

We value and center a First Nations perspective on health and wellness in our work – focusing on prevention and wellness rather than treating sickness. By reclaiming culturally-based and traditional ways of staying healthy, our programs support holistic health across emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.

The FNHA’s programs and services serve more than 180,000 First Nations people in BC. Examples include:
  • new healing houses offering land-based healing, traditional medicines and guidance from Elders for those dealing with mental health issues and addictions
  • accessible care options for expanded access to illness prevention and treatment in primary care clinics from doctors and nurse practitioners in rural and remote communities
  • creation of a Virtual Doctor of the Day telehealth service for people without access to primary care, including doctors of Indigenous ancestry with training in cultural safety and humility

How You Can Help

Paddling Together

First Nations Health Foundation priorities respond to community needs in each region to bring health care services and decision-making closer to home.

First Nations people know what solutions are best to improve the health of their families and communities. Through a community-approved 10-Year Strategy on the Social Determinants of Health: A Framework for the Future, we focus on rebuilding:

Healing Approaches | Cultural Infrastructure

How You Can Help

A First for Canada

The First Nations Health Governance structure in BC is the first of its kind in Canada, and one of the few in the world. Our work is guided by a shared vision:

Healthy, Self-Determining and Vibrant First Nations Children, Families and Communities.

About Us

Our history is an important part of our journey. Centuries of colonialism and a legacy of systemic racism in law, policy and practice has disrupted the health and well-being of First Nations causing poorer health for First Nations citizens.

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is the first and only provincial First Nations health authority in Canada.

The FNHA is part of the unique health governance structure in BC that includes political representation and advocacy through the First Nations Health Council and technical support through the First Nations Health Directors Association.